I-25 & Belleview Avenue Interchange Improvement Study

The I-25 & Belleview Interchange Improvement Study project partners remain committed to identifying the right combination of improvements for the Belleview and I-25 interchange. Following a robust public involvement effort in late 2020, the project team collaborated with FHWA, CDOT and other agency stakeholders to review public feedback and discuss options for moving the project forward. In an effort to address all stakeholder interests in project design, the team has identified an additional alternative to be evaluated. The project partners funded additional analysis of this alternative in late 2021. Technical analysis is now underway using the same methodology completed for previously evaluated alternatives, and the results will be compared to the final alternatives resulting from the previous analysis. Please continue to look for updates on this website as the project team will provide information over the next couple of months. Your continued engagement in the project is important and the project partners encourage you to contact the team with any questions.